Countdown to 10k: The best pre-race food

This week is all about prep and only a few days to the big race!  I did some research about some of the best foods to eat before a race and for runners and hopefully, it’ll help me with my race:

Foods to eat

  • Salmon (omega 3, protein, B12, boosts immune system)
  • Beef (good source of absorbable iron, boosts running performance)
  • Chicken (protein, good source of selenium to protect from free radical damage during exercise)
  • Brown rice (great for carbohydrate and contains lots of antioxidants)
  • Quinoa (rich in protein and a great alternative to pasta)
  • Oats (great slow release carbohydrate for satiety and iron, lowers cholesterol)
  • Almonds (lots of Vitamin E which is great for reducing muscle damage as well as magnesium, iron, calcium and potassium)
  • Ginger (natural anti-inflammatory, good for reducing joint and muscle pain)
  • Bananas (great for carbohydrates, potassium and Vitamin B6)
  • Avocados (contains nutrients including Vitamin E&K, B Vitamins, monounsaturated fats (good!), potassium and fibre – all good for runners)
  • Flaxseed (good for alpha-linolenic acid, a type of fat that boosts immunity, endurance and blood flow)
  • Pasta (use whole wheat for that extra special healthy carbohydrate)
  • Red peppers (great for Vitamin C and carotene which fight cancer and heart disease)
  • Sweet potatoes (good for carbohydrates and also for carotene)
  • Yoghurt (contains carbohydrates, protein and calcium which is good for muscles)
  • Peanut butter (great for Vitamin E, mono and polyunsaturated (good) fats)

Foods to avoid

  • Cruciferous vegetables e.g. broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts (gas and bloating – no!) – avoid prior to the race
  • Fatty meats (fatty, obviously)
  • High-fat cheese (phlegmy)
  • Sodas (gassy)
  • Deep fried foods (greasy, bleurgh)
  • Bran cereals (bloating, gassy)
  • Dairy (limit before a run so it doesn’t induce phlegm unless you know you’re ok with it)

I also devised a meal plan for this week to ensure I incorporate enough of these good foods as much as possible.  As I normally eat like this anyway, these foods should help prop up my energy levels and fuel my muscles. If you’d like an idea of what I will be eating, just download the meal plan here: Pre-race Meal Plan by Project Clean and Lean

Just to be clear, I am not a professional sports nutritionist so don’t take my meal plan or foods to eat as a rule. I have created this from open source research, links to sources below.  Happy meal prepping and training!

Runners World

Great snacks


Best foods for runners

Runners Food

Women’s Running

10k Race Meal Plan

Very Well

Best Foods for Runners


Foods to avoid