Who needs clean and lean when you have naughty friends?

I went out the other night with my friend Cat. She’s a big drinker: beer, wine, spirits…you name it, she drinks it. I had good intentions of drinking a G&T and sticking to sparkling water thereafter…it didn’t pan out that way.

As another friend was introducing us to her boyfriend, she felt compelled to buy some champagne to celebrate us meeting this elusive boyfriend of hers, of course, being a polite friend, of course I had a glass…then it was topped up – ok, one more, that’s it.

As the evening wore on, another round of drinks, this time it was a bottle of wine (red, which is better than white) and as I tried to abstain, the glass keeps getting filled and I’m obviously too weak willed to say ‘no’. As I was heading for the loo, Cat asked me what I’d like to drink – big mistake, I should have just said water, but as I was a little inebriated and couldn’t be bothered to think, my immediate answer was: “Whatever you’re having”. So when I popped back from the ladies, she had gone ahead and bought another bottle of wine…and we promptly drunk it all whilst putting the world to rights.


Despite that, I actually haven’t gained or lost weight (James does say you have to cut out ALL alcohol until you reach your goal weight, but then again it’s easy for him to say, he confesses to being a non-drinker). However, I really need to stick to the G&T/Vodkas from now on…

Things to note this week:

– Don’t go out with Cat when I’m trying to detox and be good

– Just stick to the recommended alcohol if I have to drink

– I need to be stronger willed – obviously!